Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"My Conscience"

JMJ.  God gives each of us a conscience.  Pinocchio's conscience was named Jiminy Cricket.  Mine, at least as far as this blog goes, is a silver-blonde pixie with a pony tail named Bonnie.  My internal conscience frequently reminds me that I've been overly lazy and haven't up-dated this site in some time but we've worked together for so long that it doesn't mind if I don't act on his nudges for some time.  Bonnie's not so easy to ignore.  She'll fix me with a gimlet look  and tell me how much she liked my last entry.  With the emphasis on last.

Well, about a month ago she sent me a short e-mail containing the question, "What if all you had today was what you thanked God for yesterday?"  I've never been hit before physically but I can imagine that it feels a lot like this did.   An amazing epiphany of a sort.  Do you remember Christ healing the ten blind men?  Only one returned to say "thank you."   I like to think that I'm a grateful guy, especially where God is concerned.  I say grace before each meal and before I go to sleep at night. 

But this question forces us to take a step back, inspect our lives, and really think about all that God has done in our lives.  Because if we truly appreciate all He does for us then it behooves us to focus on His every blessing.  When we do, our whole world expands and we look on life with new eyes, grateful eyes.  Bonnie, thanks for all you do for me.  Amen.

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