Friday, February 27, 2009

Joyous Lent

JMJ. Another Lent is upon us. This coming Holy Thursday will be my tenth anniversary as a Catholic. It has been an incredible journey--one which I hope is just beginning. It's also my favourite time of the year. The rest of the year has been for us. Lent is our gift to our Lord.

Lent is also, I think, an adult's season. Advent and Christmas are easily appreciated by kids but it takes a little more maturity (one hopes) to truly appreciate that period which ends in Easter. Lent, too, is a Catholic season for the most part. I was talking recently with a friend of mine who is an evangelical protestant and I asked him if they observe Lent and he looked slightly amused as he told me no.

What a loss! Calvary culminated our Lord's thirty-three years on earth. He came to us to die. For our sins. And all we can think about is His resurrection which allows us to enjoy heaven? Is something missing here? I guess this is the big reason Catholics use a crucifix instead of the empty cross that the protestants like so much. When I look at that Man hanging there in agony I can SEE what it cost Him to win my redemption. Lent is my golden opportunity to say to Him, "I get it, dear Jesus. Let me offer You a small sacrifice. It's not much but it shows that I get it."

Thank you, Lord.