Saturday, October 4, 2008

In Defence of Mother Mary

JMJ. We Catholics refer to Christ's mother as "Blessed Mary", the "Blessed Virgin", the "Blessed Mother," etc. Of course we're helping to fulfill biblical prophecy. Remember in Luke where She said, "Henceforth all ages will call me blessed?" Of course you do. NOT to refer to Her as Blessed seems almost disrespectful of Scripture, doesn't it? I once asked a protestant how she referred to Mary and she answered, "We don't. We don't pay much attention to her at all."

Thousands of years before, our first mother, Eve, through her disobedience to the command of God, brought us to the brink of destruction. Mary, through her obedience brought us our saviour. The Ark of the Covenant carried within its gold confines the tablets of God's law. The Blessed Mother bore within Her body God Himself. (Thus do we call Her the Ark of the New Covenant.) Moses interceded for the chosen people when they sinned in the desert. Mary interceded for the young marrieds at the Wedding at Cana. Against His will, She persuaded Her divine Son to begin His public ministry. On the cross He gave Mankind into Her care and Her honour into ours.

Whenever I think of this interchange I had with the young protestant woman I picture in my heart our Blessed Mary holding us safe within Her mantle over the caption: "Don't mess with my Mom. Her Son is your God!"

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