Monday, September 29, 2008


JMJ. Welcome to "The Faithful Catholic." You have probably already determined that the title is a trifle redundant. At one time, in the halcyon past, to be Catholic presupposed being faithful. Not so any more. Our discussions must take into account that there are those who are subservient to the teachings of our Blessed Lord, as passed on to us by our Holy Mother Church, and those who, bowing to the current usage, can only be described as "cafeteria Catholics." Sad but true. In another day there would be only Catholic and non-Catholic. I'm not sure why those who have cut their ties to our infallible Church cling to the name. Perhaps out of habit. (Pun not intended but accepted, now that it's written.) I will try, with I hope charity and patience for all, to write occasionally on matters of faith, politics, apologetics, and anything else that strikes my fancy. My only goal is for the conversion of souls and the salvation of sinners, prominent among whom is your writer. If you will pray for me I will certainly do so for all of you and through the grace of God and the intercession of His Blessed Mother we will one day meet before His throne.

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