Saturday, January 19, 2013


JMJ.  I can't believe it's been so many months since my last post!  September?  Holy cow.  No wonder my friend Bonnie's been giving me dirty looks.  Well, I have to admit that my last post had absolutely no effect on our last election.  Surprise, surprise.  Mostly I'm angry.  Disappointed, yes.  Amazed, certainly.  But mostly just angry.  Angry at my fellow Catholics, many of whom disregarded the clear instruction of the US bishops, angry at fellow Christians who couldn't care less about being part of the culture of death.  And supremely angry at the black Christian community, almost all of them so devout.  All of these folks who made themselves "anti-Christs" for the sake of electing a black president who would lick the boots of the labour unions and supply their luxuries to the large "you owe me" segment of our society.

I just realised that my greatest anger is reserved for the American people who have betrayed our Founding Fathers by sitting back in their warmth and satiety and have belched in their contentment as our federal government has eroded our Constitutional rights.  Thanks to Obama and crew.

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