Monday, September 10, 2012

"A Vote Heard 'Round the World"

JMJ.       This November we will be voting , just as we have for over two hundred years, for men and women whom we feel would best fill the office for which they are running.  This year is different, though.  We have reached a crossroads and how we vote will determine not just our government but the soul of our nation and its very existence as we know it.

A science fiction character in a book by Robert Heinlein once said, "Always vote.  There may not be someone you want to vote for but there is sure to be someone you want to vote against."  So it is this year more than any other. 

I will state it plainly since I have no government funds to lose: voting for a Democratic Party candidate is a vote against God.  Jesus once said to let the little ones come to Him but I'm sure He never meant them to be scraped or suctioned out of their mothers' wombs in order to do so.  Democratic delegates cheered giving women the right to abortion on demand in the name of "reproductive health!"

The Democratic delegates cheered the pricnciple of same-sex marriage, the idea that the government can ration health care to the elderly or handicapped, to the idea of euthanasia, and the necessity for fetal stem cell research.  And when someone finally realised that the word "God" had not been included once in their statement of principles, they had to falsify a voice vote in favour of His inclusion.  Including God was booed three times and He never received a majority vote!

The Republicans are not perfect--not by a long shot.  But they included God some twenty times in their public statement and since life trumps all other concerns, their candidates are generally pro-life.  How will you vote?  Will you turn your back on Christ and His church or choose all that is right and moral?

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