Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"Somewhere in Time"

JMJ. I admit I have a real problem with time. Not telling time, mind you, but being patient in it. Like the vast majority of Americans, when I want something, I want it NOW! God doesn't work that way. I don't think they have watches in heaven since they run on the Eternal Now Time Zone.

In fairness to me, my impatience has more to do with the salvation of souls than when my next airplane model is affordable. Thankfully, and through the grace of God, I'm not as tied to the material as I once was though Linda might disagree with that. It's hard, though, to look around at our society and see the people who are unwittingly flirting with damnation. It's bad enough to sin knowingly but when one is totally blind spiritually, how is one to know that one's feet dance at the edge of the precipice and that the next false step might be one's last?

That's where my impatience comes in. I know by what a miracle the scales fell from my eyes and I want the same thing for EVERYONE. NOW! Our Lady at Fatima told the three children that souls were being lost to hell every moment of the day. That thought sends shivers down my back. Repeat after me: "Dear Holy Ghost, please open the hearts and minds of all who do not know the Truth of Jesus Christ. Blessed Mother Mary, please whisper in their ears that Christ knocks on the doors of our hearts and wants to bear each of His sheep home to His Heavenly Father. Amen."

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