JMJ. The Cleveland "Plain Dealer" is your usual liberal mouth-piece. They've got a token conservative assistant Editor (who's really a very thoughtful and intelligent writer and lightning rod for all the liberal diatribes) and a couple Christians whose theology is awfully iffy. Oh, and a bunch of folks whose secularism is amply apparent. One of the so-called Christians, citing hypocrisy on the part of the Republicans, said that if one were truly pro-life, the death penalty should immediately be repealed. I happen to agree. The Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, has said that though Biblically defensible, the death penalty should be used very rarely, if at all.
The Democrats, though, are hardly the ones to holler "hypocrite" when you consider that in the case of the United States, the number of executions could be numbered in the thousands whereas in the thirty-some years since Roe v. Wade, millions of babies have been aborted each year. What's wrong with this picture? I think it is well past time to drop artificial divisions. It is senseless to proclaim oneself Republican or Democrat. One is either pro-life or pro-death. There is, and can be, no middle ground. Christ said in the Gospels that He would return at the end of time and separate the sheep and the goats, the wheat and the chaff. In reality we are doing it for Him.
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