Friday, December 3, 2010

"Politics NOT As Usual"

JMJ. If the last election did one thing, it pointed out the growing polarisation between the Republicrat and Democan parties. Ok, poor joke, but if one thing has become glaringly evident in American politics, it is that veniality is non-partisan. Folks get up on their soap boxes and accuse each other of accepting bribes or not working hard enough for the poor or debate the best way to fleece the middle class (who ultimately pay for everything anyway.)

American politics consists of one party achieving power and instituting its ruinous schemes while the losers rail and chastise that only they can reverse those boners. When the time comes and the electorate throws the bums out, the new in's leave things just the way they were and pass their OWN ruinous schemes that just make the whole mess worse.

Why vote for one party rather than the other then? Simple. The only program that makes a hill of beans'-worth of difference is the Culture of Life. The only person worth electing is the one who will protect the unborn, work to reverse Roe vs. Wade, vote against gay marriage and fetal stem cell research, and in short, do his or her best to serve our God. We are in His hands and we will be judged by how well we listen to Him and do His will. Nothing else matters. Once we are all on the same page, THEN we can worry about those pesky illegal aliens or the obscenely wealthy rich folks. I have a feeling we'll be waiting a long, long time.

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