JMJ. I may have mentioned this before and if I have, please overlook my poor memory, but my friend Charlie has a concept he calls God's little peck on the cheek. I don't know if he thought it up all by himself but it refers to the fact that one's prayer life is not all sweetness and light. It is full of long periods of dryness when it seems that we're just praying to a deaf wall. We're not, of course, but it's oftentimes hard to keep this in mind. God DOES always hears prayers even if He doesn't always act on them or act on them the way we know He should.
What He DOES do is give us a little peck, just to let us know that He's there watching out for us and listening to us intently. I got one of these on the last First Friday at Tilma, my hang-out away from home. I was sitting talking to Jan Marie, the owner, when who should walk throught the door but my favourite pastor, Fr. B. And he had a bourse around his neck signifying that he bore the Blessed Sacrament. He owned that he was distributing Holy Communion to his parish's shut-ins for their First Friday devotion. (Now I ask you--how many priests are concerned with this devotion nowadays and of those, how many would personally deliver Communion? You see why he's my favourite priest.)
Anyway. I have often doubted my true acceptance and awareness of Christ's presence in the Blessed Sacrament. I mean I accept it and I profess it, but I'm not always sure if I've internalised it. Jan and I continued our conversation after greeting our Lord and Fr. B. and it was then I got my little peck on the cheek--I realised that the Person Jan and I were talking about was truly in our midst, listening to our conversation and hopefully approving what was said. It was an absolutely awesome feeling and a peck that I will always cherish. One more self-doubt expunged. Thanks, Lord.
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