JMJ. I had a recurring dream when I was a kid. Maybe up until I was in my 20's or so. At least I know that I haven't had it in a long, long time. It takes place at night and I'm in the back seat of an fancy old touring car--the kind with a running board. We're going down an overgrown road deep in the woods and I'm being driven by a mobster and am flanked by mobsters in the back seat. After driving for some time without a sign of any other humans the car stops. I'm ordered out of the car and it's obvious that we're not going to build a fire and make s'mores.
All of a sudden there's a whooshing sound followed by a dull thunk and one of the goons has a hatchet growing from his chest. The other two Mafiosi are terrified and clamber back into the car and it roars off, leaving me behind. I look up into the trees and see a giant raccoon grinning at me holding another tomahawk and he's ready to fling it. I'm safe, thanks to this furry saviour. Now, dreams are supposed to be glimpses into our psyches but for the life of me I can't figure out a lesson from this dream other than maybe "don't get into an open touring car with mobsters for a spin out in the woods."
From what I was taught in nursing school we all dream but only remember them occasionally, varying from one person to another. I remember them fairly frequently but they're usually dull, dreams filled with frustration at a task I can't perform or I'm without pants in some public place. Ho-hum. About a month ago I had a dream that took my breath away and which I remember quite clearly. And in vivid colour to boot.
I find myself in a bright, shiny neighborhood (which I don't recognize 'cause it's kind of generic) and I'm beset by demons. Pretty soon other folks are, too, and for some reason everyone takes refuge in my house. There are demons at every orifice trying to gain entry and I just know somehow that the only thing that will save us is praying the Rosary. Most of the people with me are unfamiliar with it so I'm forced to teach it while praying it to prevent demonic entry. Finally everyone gets the hang of it when there is a loud banging at the front door. I opened the door and there stood the Evil One himself.
I begin praying the Rosary with renewed vengeance and am soon joined by all of the folks I'd taught. We know in our hearts that we will be safe and sure enough, the demons and Himself leave. We'd all been under the Blessed Mother's protection. Okay, this one is a no-brainer. Trust in the protective power of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Her favourite prayer, the holy Rosary and She will protect us from evil.
Several days later I'm in a hilly neighborhood development with all kinds of big houses. People are milling around, unaware of the danger they are in. Their quiet lives have been interrupted by the sudden appearance of a huge, ravening scorpion which is periodically devouring people but they have no idea when and where he will strike. Only I and a handful of others have detected that this is no ordinary alien creature but the Evil One himself. We go from home to home and person to person warning them of this spiritual danger but they remain unconvinced and slowly they are being eaten alive and lost.
To protect ourselves our small band prays constantly but we make only the occasional convert. Then the dream ends. I thought this one a lot and decided it represented the unawareness that the vast majority of folks have concerning the sinfulness of our society and that the Evil One lurks about waiting to pick us off. It is only the small minority of righteous who have any knowledge of danger and we find it very difficult to warn others. 'Nuff said.
I wasn't sure I shout publicise these descents into my subconscious but decided they might be of some value to others.
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