JMJ. Ever since I retired almost 3 years ago now, I find myself staying up a little bit later than I was ever wont to do before. The night seems so clean compared to the day--so few people out and about; so few distractions. So, right before bed I walk the dog.
Tully, one of our older ferrets, likes to help. Well, let me explain that. Tully loves to go outside. He also has an adrenal tumour which has caused him to lose most of the hair in his coat which leaves him looking pretty naked. He's beginning to grow some back, though, so he just looks like a ferret with a Mohawk of hair down his back and pinkish sueded skin elsewhere. So, since it's starting to get a little warmer now, I let him help walk Linus.
Which means that I put Linus' collar and leash on him and tuck Tully under my arm under my jacket and he keeps me company while we're out for Linus' late-night constitutional. Well, a couple of nights ago we had a full moon and a pretty clear sky. Now, normally I associate the moon in any of its phases as a symbol of our Blessed Mother since the light She provides us is not Her own but Her reflection of the light provided by Her Son.
That night however Linus, and Tully, and I were treated to a huge, resplendent orb hanging in the night sky with (thanks to the haze) an enormous halo around it. It looked for all the world like a pale golden monstrance without a pedestal and Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament shone down upon the three of us! Gotta take Tully out more often. He loves this almost as much as I do.
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