Sunday, August 15, 2010

"The Feast of the Assumption"

JMJ. Another summer wanes around us. It's been months since I've felt the inspiration to add to this blog. One faithful lady reads this, though, and I can't disappoint her longer. I could claim that I haven't been inspired but that's just evading responsibility. I confess I've just been lazy.

But thousands of devout Catholics, most of Italian descent, have paraded through the streets of Cleveland's Little Italy this week-end, carrying Our Lady's statue while thousands more Protestant and secular Clevelanders have attended, most to view the pageantry and sample the wonderful food. They wonder (if they wonder at all) what the hoopla is all about. A Jewish woman who happened to bear a baby, Jesus Christ, left this vale of tears for Her reward. Big deal.

But it IS a big deal. And non-Catholics just haven't a clue. I had a prolonged conversation with a young fundamentalist about a week ago and asked her just how special an insignificant Jewish girl would be when one of the most powerful of heaven's angels visited her (in God's stead and at His command) to tell Her that He intended Her to bear His Son, the second Person of the Holy Trinity. We're talking the Creator of the whole UNIVERSE here!

I guess no one had ever put it quite like that. My friend was intrigued by this new idea. Ok, I said, She visits Her kinswoman, Elizabeth, who in her old age is herself pregnant with John the Baptist. And what are Elizabeth's Holy Ghost-inspired words? "How is it that the Mother of my Lord has come to me?" Under the prompting of the Holy Ghost she knows that Two walked through her door-way, Her Saviour and His Mother. And she felt it was the Mother Who honoured Her!

Years later, this Woman has the effrontery to ask Him to help a young couple who had run out of wine at their wedding. "It's not my time yet," He answered. But He did as She asked anyway. He changed His plans to satisfy Her request. Is it any wonder we go to Her with our most fervent prayers? Is it any wonder that She stands at His right hand, Queen Mother of all His followers down through the centuries? Down to this poor writer in loving slavery to the Woman Who crushes the head of the serpent?

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