Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Culture of Life-No Exceptions

JMJ. I was talking to a couple of my co-workers lately concerning abortion. One is a purported Catholic, the other--well, maybe a "seeker" is the best term. Neither one would coutenance abortion. Oh, wait... unless the mother had been raped or the victim of incest.

Now, I can understand a non-Catholic hesitating on this seemingly thorny situation. Really, I can. No, I don't for a minute agree, but I can understand because these exceptions have a really visceral effect on each and every one of us. They bring up in our minds visions of absolute moral perversion--as well they should. At the time, though, I couldn't quite verbalise WHY they were both wrong.

Now I can. I believe that Someone of heaven was speaking to me and supplied me with an answer, and a definitive answer to boot! (One of the major problems with Catholicism is that one doesn't know WHO is talking to you. It could be One or more of the Blessed Trinity, the Holy Mother, or one of the angels or saints. This is a real quandary for a former Protestant!)

Nowhere, to the best of my knowledge, in the U.S. is either rape or incest punished by the death penalty. Those who are TRULY pro-life will say that even the death penalty itself should be abolished. (That's another topic.) OK, if we are not going to punish the criminal with the death penalty, why in heaven's name should we punish the innocent issue of the crime? We wouldn't put the woman to death for being raped, would we?

I had this conversation with my Mother several years ago before her death and didn't have this answer at hand. She has since died and now knows the truth of my stance. Would that others did, too.

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