Two weeks ago our administrator (who replaced the retired Fr. Keller) announced from the ambo in place of his homily that a series of CD's from Lighthouse Catholic Media (appropriately enough
Ok, thought I. I'll take a look but I'll bet they're the usual new-age type stuff. Admittedly, our new administrator seems to be faithful to the teachings of the Church but one never knows. I was blown away at the list of speakers available--several by Scott Hahn, Fr. John Corapi, Archbishop Fulton Sheen, and Peter Kreeft to name but a few!
Alright, I'll invest $20, thinks I. That bought me seven different titles. You won't get that deal on the web-site. CD's or MP-3 down-loads range between 3 and four dollars apiece. Our bunch were gone before the after the last Mass. More were ordered. They're most gone, too. People will just suck up the truth!
Visit these folks at their web-site, plead with your pastors to provide access to this series, get these CD's into the hands of family, friends, and even strangers. It's close to what it must have been like to sit at the feet of the apostles. You will learn more about the truth of our Catholic faith in just a few minutes than you ever thought there was to learn. Guaranteed. Let me know what you think.
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