JMJ. I have my friend Charlie's son, Darren, to thank for the majority of this post. He's a rare young man in that he manages to see through the politically-correct rhetoric of the Democratic Party. I was not that wise. I was an insufferable know-it-all (sometimes I think I still am) who bought the whole liberal schtick hook, line, and sinker. But that was many years ago and the times were not quite so perilous. I may have cleaned things up a little a deleted a bit but the vast majority of the following is Darren's. He took it on himself to have it printed up and placed the hand-outs under windshield wipers. A man of action in a time of apathy! Listen, please, to Darren.
"Many people in this country are considering voting for a man whom we know little about. He rose out of obscurity on the empty call for 'change.' The majority of the media are supporting him because he is a liberal, filtering and editing the truth about him, telling us only what they want us to know.
I believe that many Americans are voting for him simply because they think that he is the only alternative to the legacy of George Bush. Others because they, too, are liberal, others because their union tells them to do so, and maybe most because he is black. There are no guarantees that our great nation will remain that way, therefore it is important for us to put aside many of our petty predjudices and vote responsibly. Consider the following:
Barack Obama was a "community organiser" in South Chicago and was shaped by the Chicago political machine. His entire adult life has been aligned with the powers-that-be and shares interests with Socialists, anti-Americans, questionable business men and politicians, and domestic terrorists. You can verify these charges yourself with a little time and Google. Jeremiah Wright, his former pastor, espouses black liberation theology and racism being himself vehemently anti-white. Obama denounced Wright only when he saw that that affiliation was hurting his ratings. Two of his supporters, William Ayers and Bernadine Dorne of the former Weather Underground remain unrepentent of their domestic terrorism.
Another person who has immense impact on Obama is his wife. She openly declared that this was the first time in her life that she was proud of her country! She had to be muzzled until she managed to soften her rhetoric. Her master's thesis certainly bears noting, filled as it is with anti-white sentiment.
In his short time in the Senate he has voted 94 times to raise taxes and managed to NOT muster the courage to vote for the protecting of the lives of babies who survived abortion by remaining alive despite the best efforts of the abortionists to kill them!"
I've cut some of what Darren said for the sake of brevity but you get the idea. He is a man with a mission and I am proud to include much of what he says. If you can't manage to muster what it takes to vote for John McCain, consider at least voting for the Libertarian or Green Partys' candidates. You may not have someone you want to vote FOR but you are sure to have someone (Obama) to vote AGAINST. America deserves better, society deserves better, and our children deserve better. God will judge us, not because we say "Lord, Lord," but because of what we do and how we vote.
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