Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"The Truth as Magnet"

JMJ.     We all know that the Gospel tells us that Jesus is "the Way and the Truth and the Life."  The truth that He brought us drew many to Him like a magnet and, also like a magnet, repelled many, too.  Not only did those teachings draw their ire, it drew their attacks, not only then but down through the centuries even to our present time.  The Church Christ founded is called "the Whore of Babylon" and other scurrilous titles, some folks even denying that Catholics are Christian!

How does one combat these people?  One must first and foremost remember that our detractors attack out of ignorance and prejudice.  We must meet them with love, not only for their sakes but for ours, too--don't forget that Jesus commanded us to love even our enemies.  (Don't worry.  I know this is sometimes hard to do but after all, if He told us to do something patently impossible He must needs give us the wherewithal with which to do it!)

Second, we must meet our foes with prayer, commending them to the Holy Ghost since nothing can be accomplished without His help anyway.  Third, we must educate ourselves;  not everyone is destined for a job as a professional apologist, present company definitely included!  Not only is the most time-consuming of the three "musts" but at the same time can be the most fun and rewarding.  If Catholic education is ever lacking it does so in not teaching the "why" of what the Church teaches and believes.  Not knowing this leaves us an easy target for the Protestants, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormons who come to our doors seeking to lure us into their particular errors.

Always remember that evangelism is a team effort--or should be, anyway.  After all, one of the tenets of Catholicism is the "communion of souls."  We are never alone, especially in such an important endeavour.  Too, the resources at our disposal are myriad.  They've only been accumulating for 2,000 years, you know.  Our greatest Teacher, of course, is our Lord Jesus Christ.  Sure He was a "pro" and had thousands of years of Scripture and Tradition at His fingertips when it came to teaching; but His favourite tactic seems to be the parable.    Learn from Him and apply the same idea to your efforts!  Does a neighbor deride the Catholic Church as "the Whore of Babylon?"  Look him square in the eye and ask, "If that's so, why has she produced so many saints?" 

The crux, as I'm sure you see, is to spark a doubt or a question.  Find the chink in their armour and make a quick thrust.  The two things to remember are that the Church has a really great answer for any question you're posed and that someone else is sure to have that answer even if you don't.  In my next post I'll mention a few resources for you to tie into.  In the meantime, start learning and have fun.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

"Thoughts On the Blessed Mother"

JMJ.  Did you ever have the feeling that folks weren't telling you everything?  That you were always the last to find things out?  When I was about 15 or 16, back in the middle ages, my dad came up to me and asked if I was all packed yet.  "Packed for what?" sez I.  "Well, we're leaving on vacation tomorrow and I wondered if you were all set to go."  Of course I was crushed that no one had thought to let me know but Dad insisted that it had been the topic of discussion for about three weeks! 

I was taking a shower one evening, (I try to do that once a week or so whether I need it or not for the sakes of my wife and friends,) and was cogitating on Our Lord on the cross when He gave us to His Holy Mother.  Now it only seems like He's giving His Mother to John to take care of; naturally they had plenty of relatives who would've been only too happy to look after Her in His stead.   No.  He's actually doing two things much more magnificent than than the words would indicate.

In saying, "Woman, behold thy son" it dawned on me that He was giving Mary the entire human race to be Her spiritual children.  Talk about responsibility!  For thirty-three years She had faithfully tended and nurtured Him, finally turning him free to fulfill His destiny.  She had proved Her humility, responsibility, and obedience.  Now She had a whole bunch more kids to look after!  And we?  When He said, "Son, behold thy Mother" He was telling us that not only would She tend our skinned souls, put bandaids on hurt hearts but that WE OWE HER EVEN MORE OBEDIENCE AND LOVE THAN WE DO OUR OWN MOTHERS!

I can't help but wonder what our precious Lord thinks of those who ignore Her, who denigrate Her and the work He gave Her to do.  After all, He obeyed His commandment and honoured His Mother.  Being God, I'm sure He did so perfectly.  Catholics just imitate Jesus!

Now of course I had to share this blinding insight with some friends at Tilma.  Did they hang on my every word?  They did not.  One woman gave me a "duh" look and said, "Where have you been?"  I still think it was kind of neat.


JMJ.  I admit that I've been remiss.  Mea culpa.  It's been ages since I've posted a new blog and I know that my one, faithful reader is royally upset with me.  It seems like I'm always apologising to her so I won't.  Ha!  Imagine my surprise when I tried to sign on and add to my scribblings and couldn't for the life of me figure out how!  Not to mention the gratuitous ads that have suddenly appeared.  I assure all (one) of you that I had absolutely nothing to do with it.  I did finally figure out how to sign on (obviously) so I'll try to be a little more attentive but I'm honked that corporate greed has invaded even this free sight.